Title: Evo Sold for £142,800! Post by: SanRemo78 on 02 January, 2018, 07:31:35 PM According to this months Classic & Sportscar (with a big Flaminia article) a Delta Integrale Evo sold for $190,000 (£142,800) at a Mecum auction . Only details in the mag were that it had 6500km on it and is a record for a road going Evo. No more details found on Mecums website yet. Incredible!
Guy Title: Re: Evo Sold for £142,800! Post by: sparehead3 on 04 January, 2018, 03:12:05 PM It was a standard Yellow Evo 1 and a really nice example ( by the looks )
https://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/lancia/delta/1992-lancia-delta-hf-integrale-evoluzione-giallo-ferrari/7955478 Title: Re: Evo Sold for £142,800! Post by: Jai Sharma on 04 January, 2018, 09:13:27 PM Amazingly low mileage of about 6,000km. But nice that it made it into a sale titled "Icons". Of course we would agree but it was the second cheapest car there, and in fairly good company.
results- https://rmsothebys.com/en/home/lots/NY17#?SortBy=Default&SearchTerm=&Category=Automobiles&IncludeWithdrawnLots=false&Auction=NY17&OfferStatus=All%20availability&AuctionYear=&Model=Model&Make=Make&FeaturedOnly=false&Collection=All%20Lots&WithoutReserveOnly=false&page=1&pageSize=80&ToYear=NaN&FromYear=NaN I was quite amused by the valve clearances being checked on the testarossa....after 350 miles... |