Lancia Motor Club
Model Technical and Interest => Dedra, Thema and Delta (2nd series) => Topic started by: davidwheeler on 09 January, 2018, 05:15:15 PM
Poor cold pensioner (like me!) is advertising in Viva Lancia for electronic heater control for his Thema. I have one such but the phone number does not work. Please pass it on (or, if you are reading this, contact me).
PM sent
I too have one and have tried phoning.
Me too, at least a year ago!
Well one day our ship may come in as between us we seem to have cornered the market in Thema automatic heater panels.
We should have a convocation, the three of us.
We should have a convocation, the three of us.
Sent frank another PM with more details on the owner. Tel No same as in register. Email given to Frank
Judging by this our ship may have come in.