Title: 2nd ser handbook - English Post by: simonandjuliet on 09 February, 2018, 08:29:31 AM I have just come across (and bought) an Aprilia handbook.
I already have Italian and French copies, but had never seen it in English before, however you will all say that you have copies and how common it is !! Anyway, if you don't there is an Italian dealer who has 2 more copies available for what I thought was a reasonable price and very efficient service ...... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Libretto-Uso-Manutenzione-LANCIA-APRILIA-2a-Serie-1948-1-ed-Originale-Collezione/112746288227?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Libretto-Uso-Manutenzione-LANCIA-APRILIA-2a-Serie-1948-1-ed-Originale-Collezione/112746288227?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649) Title: Re: 2nd ser handbook - English Post by: Parisien on 09 February, 2018, 01:12:37 PM Reasonable value as you say, he's not advertised an Aurelia B12 handbook, so assume he's not got one, the search continues!
P Title: Re: 2nd ser handbook - English Post by: lancialulu on 09 February, 2018, 01:52:48 PM Reasonable value as you say, he's not advertised an Aurelia B12 handbook, so assume he's not got one, the search continues! Frank, You have the English digitally? and an Italian Original B12 handbook? I picked up a very believable repro copy of the Italian Handbook at Padova for a 1/5 of the price of the few originals there....P Title: Re: 2nd ser handbook - English Post by: Parisien on 09 February, 2018, 04:28:47 PM Yes I have Tim, just hard to beat the original.... But not for X 100 euro!!!
P Title: Re: 2nd ser handbook - English Post by: williamcorke on 09 February, 2018, 04:57:45 PM Yes I have Tim, just hard to beat the original.... But not for X 100 euro!!! P How about X = 2? https://www.ebay.it/itm/LIBRETTO-USO-MANUTENZIONE-LANCIA-AURELIA-ORIGINALE-NO-FERRARI-NO-ABARTH/152899787100?hash=item239989995c:g:K38AAOSw~AVYoE72 (https://www.ebay.it/itm/LIBRETTO-USO-MANUTENZIONE-LANCIA-AURELIA-ORIGINALE-NO-FERRARI-NO-ABARTH/152899787100?hash=item239989995c:g:K38AAOSw~AVYoE72) Title: Re: 2nd ser handbook - English Post by: Parisien on 09 February, 2018, 05:34:41 PM Been scanning the main sources over a few years, all priced at €200-250, keeping eye out for one at an amount I'd be content to pay.....plus I have missed out on one or two.
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