Title: "Sort of Augusta" for sale in Italy Post by: JohnMillham on 09 February, 2018, 02:56:52 PM How about this? https://www.subito.it/auto/lancia-augusta-torpedo-crotone-236160015.htm
Notice there's no under bonnet photo! Regards, John Title: Re: "Sort of Augusta" for sale in Italy Post by: Jaydub on 09 February, 2018, 03:48:49 PM If you do a page translation it says it "requires the installation of a towel" . Not a very weatherproof top! Ha Ha.
Title: Re: "Sort of Augusta" for sale in Italy Post by: donw on 10 February, 2018, 06:57:50 PM looks like a cut down saloon.
Title: Re: "Sort of Augusta" for sale in Italy Post by: JohnMillham on 12 February, 2018, 12:01:59 PM looks like a cut down saloon. That's probably why there's no under bonnet shot. We have seen such cars claiming to be ex Mille Miglia, etc. As if they would have! Title: Re: "Sort of Augusta" for sale in Italy Post by: the.cern on 12 February, 2018, 03:03:23 PM In fairness, it does say in the description that it started life with a roof!! So that would probably have been a standard saloon!!
Title: Re: "Sort of Augusta" for sale in Italy Post by: davidwheeler on 19 February, 2018, 02:03:04 PM Cheap though.