Title: 1929 Lancia Lambda Torpedo 20120526 video...out for a jaunt. Post by: Parisien on 17 February, 2018, 10:37:58 AM https://vimeo.com/43970069
Courtesy of Jancia via Ma Dick productions. P Title: Re: 1929 Lancia Lambda Torpedo 20120526 video...out for a jaunt. Post by: ColinMarr on 17 February, 2018, 06:33:54 PM I think this video has been seen here before. I think it is of the well known Lambda once owned by the illustrious Air Commodore Buckle, which now resides in Holland. The attached photo by John Millham is of Buck in GO 7254, as it was, at a LMC driving test, sometime in the 1970s.
Title: Re: 1929 Lancia Lambda Torpedo 20120526 video...out for a jaunt. Post by: davidwheeler on 19 February, 2018, 01:53:20 PM Yes, it is.