Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Dedra, Thema and Delta (2nd series) => Topic started by: M666 EVO on 19 February, 2018, 09:23:41 AM

Title: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: M666 EVO on 19 February, 2018, 09:23:41 AM
Hi, the car has been to the garage regarding some recent damage and I need the below parts - I believe they share with the Dedra?

Rear sub frame - part 92339919
Right rear suspension arm - 7603699

Any help will be greatly appreciated. You never know, someone might have them lying about  ::) (no chance I know!)

Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: frankxhv773t on 19 February, 2018, 11:45:31 AM
Thema Dedra Consortium is the obvious place to get these. Also check compatibility on eper because they are probably common to Alfas. That's where I got a replacement for my Dedra.
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: frankxhv773t on 19 February, 2018, 11:58:12 AM
You should look at Tipo, Tempra, Fiat Coupe, Dedra, Alfa 145 - 146 - 155 for the axle beam. The part number you have given for the trailing arm is actually the whole sub assembly not just the arm. Yoou need to be careful with the arm because they changed the camber at some point. You don't want to end up with a replacement with a different camber to the other side.
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: M666 EVO on 19 February, 2018, 02:47:39 PM
Yeah so as I understand it, 92339919 is the whole frame and 7603699 is the RH arm - I have found the new LH & RH arms on Italian ebay so I would need to replace both for the new camber setting.

So theoretically I only need the frame as I can buy the 2 new arms, but if I can find the original RH then that will pair OK with the LH that is undamaged on the car.

Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: GialloHPEIan on 19 February, 2018, 04:35:20 PM
ePER pic attached. Info says camber was changed from 15/12/95 so unless you have an early car you should be ok.



I've tried to copy and paste part no.s but doesn't look right pre-posting so might not make sense.

Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: GialloHPEIan on 19 February, 2018, 05:01:43 PM
This pic should show all part no.s for the rear suspension setup. Hope it helps.


Ian (6610)
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: frankxhv773t on 19 February, 2018, 06:56:37 PM
With this setup being used on so many FIAT group cars I would think you stand an excellent chance of finding good second hand items in the UK. I didn't have any trouble finding two Alfa used part specialists within ten miles of home (which does rather depend on whether or not you live in the Outer Hebrides).
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: M666 EVO on 20 February, 2018, 01:23:36 PM
I can't seem to get into EPER, I keep getting an error message. Any ideas or do I need to sign up to something?

All help so far is really appreciated

And I live in London so should really have a number of Alfa places near by. The only problem is its with the garage going through the insurance route so depends how much effort they're prepared to go to.

Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: GialloHPEIan on 20 February, 2018, 07:13:16 PM
Hi Russ

I've now put two and two together and realised that the "Delta value" post and this one are connected. So I see you do have a 1995 car, so you will definitely have to replace both sides due to the camber change in December of that year (or a complete s/hand one of course).
Re. ePER, I just bought a disc on eBay and installed it on my computer. I have only just updated to the latest version available to the public that runs on Windows 10 here:-

I'm not aware of a version that would work on Apple products but there used to be a Fiat forum that you could access ePER from, but think it was removed. I am happy to find part numbers for you on my system if you are stuck, I just need your chassis number. It also tells you what other vehicles a part is used on (if any) which is very useful.


Ian (6610)
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: frankxhv773t on 20 February, 2018, 07:34:14 PM
I have been blocked on the Fiat forum too but was able to get in through the Polish Fiat club

I then pasted the part name into google translate.

As I said earlier I found the sub frame from an Alfa breaker and I got trailing arms off e-bay but that was a few years ago.
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: M666 EVO on 01 March, 2018, 03:54:29 PM
Update: After a PM to Simon Davis, then a mail to Paul Baker who I haven't spoken to for about 12 years, he told me about Neil at Project Lancia. So it seems I might have found the guy to do the work on my car. Fingers crossed!

Thanks to all involved.

I do still need to find the parts though as many places haven't got them!
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: Angle Grinder on 07 March, 2018, 10:42:13 AM
The Thema Dedra Consortium will most likely have the rear subframe, but anything that we have in stock will be pre-1995 from a UK sold Dedra that has been scrapped for spares.

Unfortunately, our parts man is just recovering from some serious surgery so I don't wish to pester him at this point in time.
Title: Re: Parts required for Delta HPE / Dedra
Post by: M666 EVO on 10 September, 2018, 12:29:51 PM
Just revisiting this thread - is the parts man up and about?

I still need the sub frame if there is one lurking about