Title: UK reg Lancia Musa on ebay Post by: GT on 10 March, 2018, 04:11:05 PM Not many of these around in the UK. If you want a modern, comfortable and roomy Lancia then have a look. I have no connection with the owner or garage.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LHD-2010-Lancia-Musa-1-3-Diesel-Multi-Jet-5-Door-Manual-UK-REGISTERED/183117975567?hash=item2aa2ae900f:g:BhAAAOSwFHZaoqwk Title: Re: UK reg Lancia Musa on ebay Post by: fay66 on 10 March, 2018, 11:56:07 PM Not many of these around in the UK. If you want a modern, comfortable and roomy Lancia then have a look. I have no connection with the owner or garage. Nice one Gerard.https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LHD-2010-Lancia-Musa-1-3-Diesel-Multi-Jet-5-Door-Manual-UK-REGISTERED/183117975567?hash=item2aa2ae900f:g:BhAAAOSwFHZaoqwk Brian 8227 8) |