Lancia Motor Club

Events Archive => Events 2018 => Topic started by: neil-yaj396 on 15 March, 2018, 04:28:03 PM

Title: 7th April/2nd June/4th August/6th Oct All Italian Car Meet - Alton, Hampshire
Post by: neil-yaj396 on 15 March, 2018, 04:28:03 PM
Following received which sounds interesting. I have a copy of the flyer mentioned if anyone wants it:

Dear Sirs, Madams, and Italian car friends,
As many of you may know we run a very informal Italian Car Breakfast Meet four times a year.  (Apologies to those of you who are on this email list who have already spoken to, or emailed me about this year, and hello again to those of you I met last year.)
It is a completely free-to-attend and friendly meet, held on the first Saturdays of April, June, August, and October. On that basis, our first meet for this year will be held on Saturday 7th April.
In common with last year, the event will be held at The Departure Lounge Café, in Alton, Hampshire, starting at 10am. The Café has a good (free draining) field which the proprietor allows us to use to display our cars separately from the ‘regular’ car park. The address is as below:
The Departure Lounge
Basingstoke Road
GU34 4BH
The event is open to any Italian made car of any age, and at our last event in October we had just under 100 cars from classics, modern road cars, and supercars representing almost every major Italian marque and including some very special cars too. There is no need to book, and attendees can simply come along if they feel like it to show their car, chat to other enthusiasts and have some breakfast if they would like to.

This is organised loosely by a few Italian car fanatics for nothing but the pleasure of seeing beautiful and interesting cars, not by any club, so we would be very grateful if you could add our event to any websites, forums, newsletters etc that you send out. Please feel free to pass this on to any other people who you think may find it of interest, and we would love to see you at one of our meets.

I have attached our flier in case you would like to use it.

Kind regards,