Title: B22 pilgrimage Post by: Richard Fridd on 06 April, 2018, 02:43:05 PM From https://drive-my.com/en/test-drive/item/2461-1953-lancia-aurelia-b22-the pilgrimage.html
Title: Re: B22 pilgrimage Post by: DavidLaver on 06 April, 2018, 03:45:46 PM A good read.
"The shiny little buttons set into each sill, for example, push in under finger pressure and allow you to insert a jack – simply reach inside the car to push them back out again." On a B20 it is a bung and a spring clip, anyone got photos of these in operation? Concern at the brakes I think must just be that example not the type... "The identity of the stylist has never been confirmed though some think it was designed by Felice Boano during his time at Ghia." - is that true? "Holset" was a brand I'd forgotten - http://www.aet-turbos.co.uk/turbo-brands/holset?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtZzWBRD2ARIsAIPenY1VMeUomiYb-G6t3awaMxm1cSO2uCfdYaIxow9Ix41R9tBtzZYWAXcaAusFEALw_wcB Title: Re: B22 pilgrimage Post by: frankxhv773t on 06 April, 2018, 06:48:58 PM Omicron get a good write up with a mention for a host of other lovely Lancias.