Lancia Motor Club

Buy, Sell and Search => Spares for sale => Topic started by: chriswgawne on 23 April, 2018, 05:52:59 PM

Title: Aurelia refurbished pot joints
Post by: chriswgawne on 23 April, 2018, 05:52:59 PM
I have a new (Lancia of course) project arriving soon with a very large quantity of spares so I need to make some room.
I have a few surplus fully rebuilt pot joints with new rollers, new inner cages if required, unworn outer castings and new pot joint rubbers.

Title: Re: Aurelia refurbished pot joints
Post by: chriswgawne on 24 September, 2019, 07:39:58 AM
I still have a couple of surplus rebuilt complete pot joints for sale and also 2 new unused inner cages together with new 'blocks'.