Title: First owned by Piero Taruffi 1954 Lancia Appia Saloon - WITH FIAT TWIN CAM??!!!? Post by: DavidLaver on 30 August, 2018, 07:53:15 AM https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/24876/lot/355/
"First registered as 'RA 20851' in Ravenna, the Appia appears to have changed hands by 1956 when it was entered in that year's Rally Lido di Venezia driven by Sergio Lipizer. The Lancia also competed in the Rally Sestriere in 1957. It is currently fitted with a FIAT twin-cam engine, though when this conversion was done is not known. By 1978 the Appia was in the ownership the Scianna family of Padua, there being bills on file addressed to Dr Rosario Scianna (1978) and Dr Francesco Scianna (1994) together with an ACI registration document (issued December 2011) in the name of Emma Scianna. While in the Sciannas' possession the Appia has competed in the Targa Florio (1986), Vernasca Silver Flag (2006 and 2015), Grand Tour of Sicily 'Targa Florio' (2009), and Mille Miglia (2010). Copies of the car's original Italian libretto, various press cuttings, and the aforementioned bills may be found in the car's extensive history file (inspection recommended)." Title: Re: First owned by Piero Taruffi 1954 Lancia Appia Saloon - WITH FIAT TWIN CAM??!!!? Post by: lancialulu on 30 August, 2018, 09:05:13 AM Ultimate Lancia Q car!??
Title: Re: First owned by Piero Taruffi 1954 Lancia Appia Saloon - WITH FIAT TWIN CAM??!!!? Post by: JohnMillham on 30 August, 2018, 10:04:50 AM Didn't sell! I wonder why?
Title: Re: First owned by Piero Taruffi 1954 Lancia Appia Saloon - WITH FIAT TWIN CAM??!!!? Post by: ColinMarr on 31 August, 2018, 10:28:30 AM Interesting to see the claim that it was first owned by Taruffi, but disappointing to see in the blurb about Taruffi that no mention is made of his exploits with Lancia. Photo below show him driving a D24(?) in 1954. This photo is from Taruffi’s book “The Techniques of Motor Racing”. This also includes the other photo to show where to place your left foot when driving what looks like a B20!
I just happen to have a 1959 first edition of this book that I can offer for sale at £22.00 including UK postage. Overall condition is very good with some small tears on the dust jacket. Colin Title: Re: First owned by Piero Taruffi 1954 Lancia Appia Saloon - WITH FIAT TWIN CAM??!!!? Post by: nthomas1 on 01 September, 2018, 04:57:49 AM Colin - I have sent you a pm.
Title: Re: First owned by Piero Taruffi 1954 Lancia Appia Saloon - WITH FIAT TWIN CAM??!!!? Post by: ColinMarr on 01 September, 2018, 08:02:08 AM Thanks to those who responded to this, but the book is already on its way to a new bookshelf.
Colin |