Lancia Motor Club

General => Press/Media: Lancias mentioned, seen or wanted! => Topic started by: ColinMarr on 13 November, 2018, 06:21:01 PM

Title: Complete set of Viva Lancia! ~ 300 copies
Post by: ColinMarr on 13 November, 2018, 06:21:01 PM
Apologies for posting this here as well as in 'parts for sale'. My need to part with cherished stuff moves on to printed papers. I have what I think is a complete set of all Viva Lancia! from the first issue in February 1993 until say December 2017. There are about 300 copies, all in clean and good condition. They are stored in order, in six library boxes. Total weight is about 30 kg.

I am not looking for any payment, but I would like them to go to someone who will appreciate that this is an amazing collection of articles and information essential to understanding the marque and the club.

The sheer weight of all fills me with admiration for Jack Romano, who produced each copy, and sympathy for the postman, who delivered them!

Please contact me for more information. Half-way delivery can be possible.


Title: Re: Complete set of Viva Lancia! ~ 300 copies
Post by: Parisien on 13 November, 2018, 06:52:46 PM
Colin, you have a pm