Title: Yorkshire Area Christmas Meet Saturday 1st December Post by: neil-yaj396 on 17 November, 2018, 12:25:33 PM The Yorkshire Group Christmas meet is now organised for 1300hrs on Saturday 1st December at;
The Fairfax Arms, Main Street, Gilling East, York, YO62 4JH I've booked for six but all are welcome. Just contact me if you were not at last months meeting and want to join us.... Title: Re: Yorkshire Area Christmas Meet Saturday 1st December Post by: neil-yaj396 on 02 December, 2018, 05:27:52 PM Attended by 3 Lancias (Delta, Evo II and Beta Coupe) plus a very loud Abarth 595. All driving there in utterly foul weather.
I missed the food. Last weekend I had re-fitted the battery to the car after charging. I used the very handy 8mm spanner in the Lancia tool kit to tighten up the terminal nuts and forgot to put the kit back in the car. I had my first Lancia puncture in anger in 28 years and of course the wheel brace is in the kit! I normally carry a spider brace as well, but that was in the red Coupe. One helpful soul stopped in his Kia SUV, but his brace was too big. He even went home and returned with another, which was too small, so it was a 70 minute wait for the AA... What did impress was how the Beta's suspension handled a sudden flat at 50 mph. I only knew it had gone because of the noise and a reluctance to accelerate. |