Title: The Patrick Hurst Lancia Gamma 2500 Berlina - current Auto Italia. Post by: Parisien on 17 November, 2018, 05:22:44 PM A one page tribute to the the above named owner and effectively "New" Berlina, whose know to the Gamma consortium, plus link to another article below
https://drive-my.com/en/social/item/25-lancia-gamma.html P Title: Re: The Patrick Hurst Lancia Gamma 2500 Berlina - current Auto Italia. Post by: Parisien on 04 March, 2020, 10:26:04 AM This months Auto Italia revisits Patrick Hursts Lancia collection, including a Trevi and a Kappa coupe, never mind the 16 mile Gamma Berlina!
Must make trip sometime when it stops raining!! P |