Title: Brooklands New Year Gathering Post by: sparehead3 on 02 January, 2019, 04:00:47 PM Hi All,
http://www.lanciamc.co.uk/news.htm Did anyone go ? Are there any pictures ? I usually put this up as the first event of the year on the website news page .. this year , I haven't seen anything If anyone went to another New Years Day event then please drop me a picture and I'll put that up instead Title: Re: Brooklands New Year Gathering Post by: Neil on 04 January, 2019, 12:04:25 PM A very busy Brooklands event on New Years Day, the dry weather got a large number of cars and visitors out for some NYD exercise, I counted 16 + Lancias scattered around the site on the day, from Lambda to Thema, a selection of Fulvia coupes in the majority, with two lovely Aurelia B20s. Some individual photos attached.