Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: DavidLaver on 12 February, 2008, 04:31:42 PM

Title: Department of Mysteries
Post by: DavidLaver on 12 February, 2008, 04:31:42 PM
Am generally, eventually, working out or remembering what the various (typically facinating) bits and bobs actually are.  This one has defeated me...   

I'd expect it to be "something Aurelia" and it looks like a heating or ventilation part but that's just guessing.

So - fingers on the buzzers - what is it?


Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: peterbaker on 12 February, 2008, 04:40:55 PM
could be appia or even aurelia choke lever

Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: rogerelias on 12 February, 2008, 06:40:32 PM
Pass. ;)

Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: Scarpia on 12 February, 2008, 06:44:02 PM
looks similar but not the same as the underdash levers on an aprilia.But they have a hole for a cable pull in the arm.

Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: Sliding Pillar on 12 February, 2008, 07:06:09 PM
It is the fresh air vent in the front footwell of an Aurelia B20 also maybe the saloons as well, but is not on the B24.

Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: DavidLaver on 12 February, 2008, 07:57:45 PM

On my 3rd series the underdash levers opened flaps at the "intake" end of those box section trunks infront of the radiator. 

I guess this is a "late series" item and now assume they plug the exit at the cabin.


Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: fay66 on 13 February, 2008, 12:32:17 AM
It is the fresh air vent in the front footwell of an Aurelia B20 also maybe the saloons as well, but is not on the B24.

Great for a blast of fresh air up the right trouser leg on hot days ;D unless you got a wasp come in as well! used to be a very common feature on most pre-war & post war cars up into the 1950's, look between the bonnet & door in this disreputable photo of me, when I had hair 50 years ago.

8227 8)

8227 8)

Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: ColinMarr on 13 February, 2008, 09:19:55 AM

Is that THE shed? In the background, I mean – not the one you are driving!


Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: fay66 on 13 February, 2008, 12:18:48 PM
How dare you :o
It was my pride & joy at the time hand painted in a fetching Lilac & White two tone.
 Shed was part of the HQ TA Depot Pound Lane Willesden where 880 Locating Battery RATA was based.

8227 8)

Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: ColinMarr on 13 February, 2008, 07:30:04 PM

No offence meant. I also drove a two-tone shed. In my case it was a primrose-yellow and black Morris 8. Innocent times! But it looks like the brakes worked - pity about the rot in the doors.


Title: Re: Department of Mysteries
Post by: fay66 on 13 February, 2008, 11:55:53 PM

No offence meant. I also drove a two-tone shed. In my case it was a primrose-yellow and black Morris 8. Innocent times! But it looks like the brakes worked - pity about the rot in the doors.


No offence taken, but I certainly wouldn't have dared stop on a slope such as in your photo with our Austin 10 :o
Don't know if my 2c is a subconscious throw back to the Austin, but the speedo on that was also a revolving drum, although all you saw was the numbers come up in a little window.

The cable brakes on the Austin worked, only problem was that the emergency stopping distance from 30mph was about 100 yards!
