Lancia Motor Club

Events Archive => Events 2019 => Topic started by: Sliding Pillar on 15 January, 2019, 07:35:10 PM

Title: Lancia Club France Retromobile 6-10 February 2019 PARIS
Post by: Sliding Pillar on 15 January, 2019, 07:35:10 PM
The Lancia Club France stand at Retromobile will feature the Stratos Zero

Title: Lancia Club France Retromobile 6-10 February 2019 PARIS
Post by: Parisien on 01 March, 2019, 06:57:46 PM
Just browsing the USA ALC forum and came across a report on this years Retromobile event in Paris. The Lancia stand had 30 cars no less, all from a private collection in Germany.

I am sure the ALC won't mind my linking same.


Title: Re: Lancia Club France Retromobile 6-10 February 2019 PARIS
Post by: Sebastien on 01 March, 2019, 07:38:38 PM
Sorry P, must rectify. Your source, the ALC website is not correct.

The 30 Lancias (I did not count them) were on the Lukas Huni Stand, in Hall 1.
Lukas Huni is a well known high-end dealer based in Zurich, Switzerland.
The cars come from different private owners, not one collection, that loan their cars for the show. The cars are not for sale.
To my knowledge it is the second time that Lukas Huni does a "Lancia only" stand at Retromobile.

The Stratos Zero was a great success on the Lancia Club France stand, and is now going to the Museo del Automobile in Torino, for a Marcello Gandini exhibition.