Title: B20 - Salon de Paris show car - different grill and trim Post by: DavidLaver on 26 February, 2019, 07:53:53 AM I know this should be in the "cars for sale" but I'm interested in the different grill (I quite like it, wouldn't choose it but wouldn't change it) and the trim (really not so sure...) Was it typical to pimp a car for a show stand? By 1954 were they getting to "dealer special" stage to move cars? https://www.classicdriver.com/en/car/lancia/aurelia/1954/621073?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Classic%20Driver%20Daily%20572019&utm_content=Classic%20Driver%20Daily%20572019+CID_232348a889383c644586f234438615a2&utm_source=newsletter Title: Re: B20 - Salon de Paris show car - different grill and trim Post by: DavidLaver on 26 February, 2019, 07:54:45 AM No connection to the seller, not in the market for a car. |