Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Appia => Topic started by: simonandjuliet on 08 March, 2019, 06:38:06 PM

Title: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 08 March, 2019, 06:38:06 PM
The camioncino has arrived !

The transporter was too big to get through the village so the camioncino was unloaded at the edge of the village and I towed it home with the tractor.

No brakes so you can see me carrying the means of stopping her !

Bit of work to do ........

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: stanley sweet on 08 March, 2019, 06:56:33 PM
That's a nice addition to the fleet. Looks pretty good in the photos. Is there a lot to do? How are you going to get a 3RO through the village because you know it's only a matter of time....

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: Cassino on 09 March, 2019, 10:32:35 AM
She looks in great condition......Have I missed the history of this one?......


Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 09 March, 2019, 08:59:14 PM
The shiny paint hides a lot ! There is a fair amount to do, but the plan is to do floors , cills , brakes and engine and then see what happens ....

Quite a rare photo opportunity, a camioncino and furgoncino side by side - I had to move the furgoncino out of the garage to put the camioncino on the ramp - Not quite sure where I can put the legs to lift it though !


Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 17 March, 2019, 02:05:21 PM
Quick update on this one.

I want to get the car running and at least stopping with the handbrake so I can move it around, so this week I have been trying to start the engine after 22 years of dormancy

The engine was not blocked, had clean oil (!) but no electricity

First job was remove and rebuild the starter motor, diesel down the bores because very low compressions and then a carb clean/rebuild

I by-passed all the electrics, cleaned the points and rest of the ignition and set up jump leads to the starter motor, with a separate lead to the front of the car to engage the solenoid. I also fitted a new petrol pump and new pipes, so no risk of crud from the tank.

Over the course of several days, each time establishing that the next bit worked, I took the heated plugs out of the oven, poured petrol down the carb, fitted a fresh battery and then after about 20 secs of cranking she started ......

I had had a few ignitions before, but she now ran for 30 secs - no more because no water in the engine yet - v good oil pressure and no rattles or nasty noises. Far better than expected !

After that I dismantled all the brakes so that she doesn't bind and can be moved more easily. Next is to check clutch/gearbox and steering etc

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: chriswgawne on 17 March, 2019, 04:34:21 PM
Brilliant! Bit of a result there Simon.
I have been dealing with dodgy NGK plugs again, this time in our B12.
 This is the 3rd time in the last 5 years that new NGK BP6ES plugs have been found to be faulty. Very frustrating but there are all out of a batch I bought some years ago.

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: Jaydub on 17 March, 2019, 05:01:03 PM
Great stuff Simon. I`m with you on the heated spark plugs, it certainly helps to ignite the mixture and partially prevent flooding.

Chris:- I recall NGK  having some issues with bad plugs a few years ago as well, but they are have been ok the last few years as far as I know.

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 17 March, 2019, 06:31:47 PM
Chris, I think the rest of them need to go in the bin (or put them on eBay !!)

Update on the Appia, filled with water and ran for 20 mins, so getting there slowly

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: Cassino on 18 March, 2019, 11:20:56 AM
Well, thats a result.....well done.
Not tempted by a pump with priming lever? overcome the drain back issue.


Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 30 March, 2019, 10:20:13 AM
Having started and run the engine, I have now stripped and removed all the brakes so she will move easily, plus i have taken the engine, 'box and prop out so I can start on the welding

Plan is to remove the front wings and doors, then tip it on its side and start the welding. Once I've done the worst bits, I can give her to Dog to make everything look pretty

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 07 May, 2019, 05:27:01 PM
Some progress here

Firstly a couple of scary photos of what I found when I took the doors and wings off - not unexpected and I can deal with most of it with a bit of time and thought.

The "A" posts are pretty shot at their base so I will have to make these carefully and in sections - I can't make complex curves, although I have also acquired a shrinker/stretcher for some sections

The floors and inner cills are very tatty, but floors are available (we made them for the Appia Consortium a couple of years ago) and much of the inner cill is flat metal .I bought a 1m metal folder to help with that

Plan is to replace floors, cills and A posts before turning on its side to tidy up underneath

Using a mix of gas, gasless MIG and inverter depending on the thickness of metal

Maybe do some more tomorrow if the rains arrive !

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: DavidLaver on 07 May, 2019, 11:33:03 PM

When I saw Simon recently I discovered that folder is about a third the price I expected.  A few on ebay, but for example:

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 09 November, 2020, 12:06:45 PM
After a very lengthy delay - not all CV19 related - The Appia is off to have some much needed metalwork done.

"Dave the Brave" has just arrived from the UK and is working alongside Dog, so he has agreed to do the basic welding before Dog does the paint

Hopefully more photos soon

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: tzf60 on 09 November, 2020, 12:46:53 PM
Hi Simon  :)
Will she be ready to earn her keep in time for next season's harvest??
I see you don't need the tractor to negotiate the village!
Best regards,
Tim F

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: GerardJPC on 09 November, 2020, 06:11:58 PM
I love this thread!

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 11 November, 2020, 10:30:55 AM
Glad you like it !

I will share some of the scary pictures ...... plus a nice one from just above the village, looking S towards the Pyrenées, I took my bike out to fill up with petrol (form completed of course)

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: tzf60 on 11 November, 2020, 02:30:15 PM
Have you enough information to re-create the sections that are badly corroded? It will be a real challenge, but no better man to take it on!
I'm looking forward to following this adventure !!!
Tim F

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: Jaydub on 11 November, 2020, 03:15:51 PM
Scary indeed Simon!  Looking at your history of problem solving, it should be manageable. Courage mon brave.

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: lancialulu on 11 November, 2020, 03:30:46 PM
Nothing a bit of Tcut won't solve ;D

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: chriswgawne on 11 November, 2020, 06:05:36 PM
Why is it quite so rusty Simon?

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 11 November, 2020, 06:29:03 PM
Chris, I think that it has been bodged and bodged and bodged over the years, putting one plate over another and more filler and underseal .... it finally got to a stage where not even the most myopic MOT man could ignore it

Fortunately it is just the floors and lower part (except a bit on the A posts) so it is very strong down the middle and roof and the front apron area is OK. I took the decision to cut it all out and start again but it means lots of metal on the floor

Let's see what happens

On the plus side the mechanics are good !

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 12 November, 2020, 06:11:53 PM
I forgot to add this picture of the "jacking point" ! - it weighs 2kgs ......

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: DavidLaver on 13 November, 2020, 09:01:39 AM

Looking at the jacking point its like the repairs have been at the agricultural engineers not the village garage.  I grew up down the road from both and there was zero overlap between the steel they'd stock.

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 26 November, 2020, 12:19:55 PM
OK - I hope that you are all sitting down before looking at these pictures ......

I decided to cut, cut , cut ...... doors refitted and lots of bracing welded in and then tipped over. Dave is being very brave

We have plenty of photos and measurements to go from, and I have also written to another camioncino owner for close up photos, hopefully it will be enough

You can open your eyes now !

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: Dikappa on 26 November, 2020, 04:11:04 PM
Simon,  you know I have made jigs to hammer the A pillar panels in if you want to use those.  They weigh about 15 kgs a piece though....but you're welcome tu use 'm! 

They are made on the furgone, I guess they should fit the camioncino too.

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 26 November, 2020, 04:59:28 PM
Thanks Koen, I'll drop you a line - but "probably, yes" !

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: tzf60 on 27 November, 2020, 03:59:39 PM
This is going to be a great addition to your fleet, Simon!
That is quite an overhang on the flatbed. Perfect for taking in the grapes!

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 08 December, 2020, 08:07:27 PM
After all the cutting, we have started to put some strength back into the rear "chassis" rails. Some of the internal strengthening will never be seen again ..... hopefully !

The A post jigs should arrive tomorrow - Thanks Koen !

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: simonandjuliet on 23 December, 2020, 04:42:30 PM
A bit of progress today after all the cutting and cleaning up. Nice to see it coming together

First photo shows the lower, "A" post where it joins the inner wing, then the remade inner cill before the floor went in. It is all starting to add some strength back.

The jigs arrived last week , so big thank you to Koen

Planning to buy a bead roller to make some of the simpler profiles, good job it's not coming from the UK .....

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: lancianut666 on 24 December, 2020, 08:41:24 AM
Starting to look a lot better...well done Simon and assorted helpers.

Title: Re: Appia Camioncino - new arrival
Post by: Mikenoangelo on 24 December, 2020, 09:38:18 AM
A brave effort - quite a task you have taken on there but very impressive progress being made.
