Title: Flavia 2000 Coupe - Fuel sender unit Post by: msh2908 on 11 March, 2019, 07:12:45 PM Hi all,
Took Flavia out yesterday - fuel gauge said half full, yet witin 10 miles I was out of petrol Have removed the sender and its not showing any sign so life when put across a multimeter - so I reckon its knackered! Would anyone outhere have such a thing for sale? With thanks Mark Title: Re: Flavia 2000 Coupe - Fuel sender unit Post by: Brian Long on 12 March, 2019, 09:24:20 AM Join the Flavia2000 Consortium; they will be able to help you.
Note also, that if the sender is put in the wrong way around, the float cannot travel down fully and will stop at the half-full position ultimately leading to running out of fuel. Brian Title: Re: Flavia 2000 Coupe - Fuel sender unit Post by: lancialulu on 12 March, 2019, 05:14:32 PM Tried Omicron?
I know Cavallito in Turin has a remanufactured unit. Title: Re: Flavia 2000 Coupe - Fuel sender unit Post by: msh2908 on 12 March, 2019, 06:12:09 PM Thanks Brian and Lulu. As the fuel gague showed 1/2 full I wonder if the unit has been put back thre wrong way around - it had some work done before I purchased it last Sept. Is there any advice on the correct fitting?
Mark Title: Re: Flavia 2000 Coupe - Fuel sender unit Post by: Sebastien on 13 March, 2019, 01:41:03 PM There is this one available:
https://www.ebay.de/itm/LANCIA-FLAVIA-2000-GALLEGGIANTE-DELLA-BENZINA-VEGLIA-679417-NUOVO/401635110312?hash=item5d83516da8:g:j8wAAOSw8PJb7Cq3 Title: Re: Flavia 2000 Coupe - Fuel sender unit Post by: lancialulu on 13 March, 2019, 04:27:19 PM Thanks Brian and Lulu. As the fuel gague showed 1/2 full I wonder if the unit has been put back thre wrong way around - it had some work done before I purchased it last Sept. Is there any advice on the correct fitting? But you said the multi meter showed no change in resistance when you moved the float??Mark Take the top off and you will see a reostat winding. If it has not broken then you can repair the connections. But if the gauge showed half full ( even on an empty tank) all the time it implies the sender float arm was jammed. I had this with my B12 (same sender technology) so I freed it off, replaced it and it jammed again after a month. Title: Re: Flavia 2000 Coupe - Fuel sender unit Post by: msh2908 on 13 March, 2019, 05:50:37 PM Took the cap of and cleaned it all - marking on the reostat winding indicates that it may have stuck and I freed it up this when I removed the unit. It's now back in and showing a 1/4 tank of fuel which would be about right.
Thank for the help all, let's hope this does not reapeat itself. Mark |