Title: 1970 Favia 2000 Coupe - electronic ignition Post by: msh2908 on 07 April, 2019, 05:06:53 PM Has anyone fitted a 123 electronic ignition to their Flavia Coupe 2000. I fitted one on a MG Midget and it improved it no end - thoughts?
Mark Title: Re: 1970 Favia 2000 Coupe - electronic ignition Post by: lancialulu on 07 April, 2019, 08:12:25 PM I fitted Luminition to my Flavia 1800 iniezione (Kuglefisher). Starts and runs better than points.
Title: Re: 1970 Favia 2000 Coupe - electronic ignition Post by: bobhenry999 on 09 April, 2019, 09:55:04 PM I fitted a PerTronix Ingitor system to my car a few years ago and it has made a great difference to the general starting and running, so I would definitely recommend them.
It was simple to fit and eliminates the points, so it is maintenance free. The contact that I got mine from is; sales@americanmotorfactors.com Bob |