Title: Lancia Aurelia High Torque Starter Motor New Post by: Parisien on 07 April, 2019, 06:29:20 PM https://www.ebay.com/itm/Lancia-Aurelia-High-Torque-Starter-Motor-New/202646101373?hash=item2f2ea61d7d:g:6wcAAOSwtx1cp2RA
Anyone any experience of these, I've heard of the dynamo being up-graded but not a starter motor? No connection to seller. P Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia High Torque Starter Motor New Post by: JohnMillham on 08 April, 2019, 09:24:17 AM I think it must be shown upside down on the eBay listing, as it would probably foul the exhaust manifold if fitted as shown. Good idea if it works.
Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia High Torque Starter Motor New Post by: Jaydub on 08 April, 2019, 07:59:59 PM Hi Frank
These were discussed a few weeks ago by Clarkey who fitted one to his Appia. They are available from WOSP Performance, Auto Electrical Supplies and others for around £220.00. They usually rotate through 360 degrees so they will fit most applications. Save on Battery power etc. Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia High Torque Starter Motor New Post by: Dave Gee on 08 April, 2019, 09:06:33 PM Hi I fitted a wosp to my Flaminia 4 years ago brilliant Dave Title: Re: Lancia Aurelia High Torque Starter Motor New Post by: lancialulu on 09 April, 2019, 09:29:50 AM I worry about folk who need something more than a standard starter. Must be something else not quite right with the engine.....