Title: Oil at dipstick clear but black in sump Post by: ENZ6493 on 24 May, 2019, 10:54:28 AM Exactly as the title says.
I changed the oil on my GTE this week and was surprised in the difference between what I saw at the dipstick and the sump. Is it a concern? A blockage perhaps? I did also change the oil filter despite the best efforts of The Hulk who overtightened the previous one! Cheers Vince Title: Re: Oil at dipstick clear but black in sump Post by: Jaydub on 24 May, 2019, 12:13:37 PM Hi Vince
Depending on the make of car, the dipstick doesn`t reach the bottom of the sump where all the sludge deposits are, therefore that might be the difference in colour. Title: Re: Oil at dipstick clear but black in sump Post by: frankxhv773t on 28 May, 2019, 10:52:02 AM Does this help in considering Jaydub's suggestion.