Title: Lambda Garavini Limousine Post by: donw on 25 February, 2008, 12:09:14 PM Having decided that I have too many cars to look after, I am reluctantly selling my Garavini bodied 8th series Lambda limousine that has been subject of a full body off restoration requiring most of the body frame to be renewed. It has also had a full mechanical rebuild and is now running well. It won the pre-war section of the LMC concours in 2005 and was in Turin for the Centenary rally. It featured in The Automobile last year.
The work done and the rarity will be reflected in the price (a Lambda needing total restoration sold at auction last year for over £40,000 and one restored has sold recently for over €100,000). The car has not yet been advertised elsewhere. A photo now shows below if you are interested I can email more photos, send me a private message. Don |