Title: Favia 2000 Coupe - Top gear box steady/mounting Post by: msh2908 on 02 June, 2019, 05:24:33 PM Was looking at the car today and noticed that the top bracket on the gear box is missing. It’s the one that secures the gear box to the cross member. It looks as if this has been missed when the gearbox was put back in – the studs are there just no bracket and the fixing. The bracket on the cross member is there with the rubber bush. Don’t suppose you have any thoughts on where I might get hold of such a thing?
Mark Title: Re: Favia 2000 Coupe - Top gear box steady/mounting Post by: Brian Long on 03 June, 2019, 10:37:19 AM Try the Flavia 2000 Consortium.
Brian Title: Re: Favia 2000 Coupe - Top gear box steady/mounting Post by: msh2908 on 06 July, 2019, 09:07:00 AM This is now sorted thanks to Andrew J and it makes a significance diffrence in controlling the lateral movement of the gearbox.
Mark |