Title: Pronounce Superleggera Post by: Flamfan on 10 June, 2019, 11:37:08 AM How do you pronounce Superleggera ?
Is it Super leg gera or Super lejjera Thanks Title: Re: Pronounce Superleggera Post by: simonandjuliet on 10 June, 2019, 11:54:59 AM My mother always called them "super leg-over" ......
Title: Re: Pronounce Superleggera Post by: Mikenoangelo on 10 June, 2019, 07:51:09 PM If you Google "translate English to Italian", enter Superleggera as an English word the "translated" version has a spoken version function so you can hear it Italian style - your superlejjera is the best approximation but the "r" is emphasised.
Google Translate is very useful! Mike Title: Re: Pronounce Superleggera Post by: 038tipo on 15 June, 2019, 03:25:51 PM The second one...