Title: Vignale in (or near) Yorkshire? Post by: AndyofYork on 16 June, 2019, 04:44:15 PM Does anyone have, or know of an up and running Vignale I could cast my eyes over - within striking distance to North Yorkshire ideally?
We are working on one at the moment, and whilst enjoying the voyage of discovery - a bit of hands/eyes on reassurance of a complete one would be very useful. We are making decent progress, but I think seeing a running model might be both technically useful and motivational. Title: Re: Vignale in (or near) Yorkshire? Post by: lendickins on 11 July, 2019, 07:22:23 AM Mine which is MOT's and on the road daily is in south east London.
Title: Re: Vignale in (or near) Yorkshire? Post by: lancialulu on 11 July, 2019, 12:00:34 PM My V is MOT and Taxed in Colchester so not handy unfortunately.