Title: Montecarlo rear bumper wanted. Post by: Colman on 03 July, 2019, 01:10:51 PM I have just bought a 1981 Montecarlo in Co. Wicklow.
It will will come without seats and rear bumper. I've bought some seats, in need of lots repair, from Savvos in Edgware. However somebody got to the bumper before me. This one could be sorted fairly quickly with a paint job, re-upholstery and maintainance...I hope. I will try the Monte Hospital again but it would be nice to get an original. Yours, more in hope than expectation Colmán Title: Re: Montecarlo rear bumper wanted. Post by: neil-yaj396 on 05 July, 2019, 07:44:53 AM Monte Consortium forum might be worth a try?