Title: Abarth Simca Reg NEV110J Post by: AusFulvia on 29 July, 2019, 01:16:07 PM Hi.
I am trying to track down the former owner of an Abarth Simca Reg NEV110J. He may be a solictor somewhere near Worcestor. I am friends with the current owner who responded to an Advert in the Lancia Motor Club magazine in June 1992. Does anyone have any clues on this? Anyone know whos car this is and could put us in contact? The current owner and the car are in Australia. He just wants to ask about some history on the car and building the life story of it. Any assistance appreciated Terence Title: Re: Abarth Simca Reg NEV110J Post by: AusFulvia on 29 July, 2019, 07:27:33 PM This is the car if it prompts anyones memory. Any info would be great.
Title: Re: Abarth Simca Reg NEV110J Post by: AusFulvia on 21 August, 2019, 08:00:13 PM All if anyone knows a John S in Redditch (PM me for the full name) we would love to have a contact for him. We know he is still alive as I spoke to his neighbour. We just would like to find out the history of the car. Adrian in Aus is restoring it and Adrian bought it off him.