Title: Reminder - 96 Club: 13 October Rendezvous in Chesham Place, London Post by: ColinMarr on 30 September, 2019, 05:10:14 PM I guess this might be the last rendezvous this year – I pass this invitation on:
Just to remind you that the next 96 Club Rendezvous will take place on Sunday, 13th October from 9am until lunchtime in the private gardens of Chesham Place. Simon will be cooking his usual delicious bacon and/or sausage butties with tea and coffees throughout the morning. We will try and ensure that only registered cars get into the garden, but if they do not turn up until 10.30 -11ish and the garden is looking empty then other suitable cars will be let in! We are also going to be stricter about only letting interesting cars into the garden. As you all know, there is masses of free parking outside the gates on Chesham Place, so do continue to turn up and support us. We look forward to seeing you and please register with Suzi as soon as you arrive at the gardens. With very best wishes, Suzi Grant-Fernyhough 01892 522 044 07977 141 007 suzi@96club.co.uk |