Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Flaminia => Topic started by: chriswgawne on 21 October, 2019, 08:53:38 AM

Title: Windscreen wiper motors
Post by: chriswgawne on 21 October, 2019, 08:53:38 AM
I have a couple of  Bosch Flaminia (I think) wiper motors. Can anyone help me with identifying which is rhd and which is lhd please? The difference is the position the control arm comes to rest - basically away from the electrical connections or facing toward them.
I think that the control arm is a slightly different length for each variant.
I also have a good late SWF motor ( this make was fitted to Aurelias and maybe early Flaminias?) which has a Flaminia type operating arm similar to that on the Bosch motors above. anyone know what model Flaminia that could be for?