Title: 1969 Lancia Fulvia, project needing finished Post by: Parisien on 01 November, 2019, 06:33:28 PM https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1969-Lancia-Fulvia-Very-Rare-TAX-MOT-Exempt/333380358752?hash=item4d9f049260:g:flUAAOSwxIlducM3
In Kings Lynn. No connection to seller. P Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia, project needing finished Post by: fay66 on 02 November, 2019, 01:05:11 AM https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1969-Lancia-Fulvia-Very-Rare-TAX-MOT-Exempt/333380358752?hash=item4d9f049260:g:flUAAOSwxIlducM3 For anyone looking for a good series 1 Berlina, this could be a great choice. In Kings Lynn. No connection to seller. P The owner states its very rare which it is, what the advert doesn't say is that its the early GT. With the 1216cc engine and 4 speed floor change, I've just checked back on my registrations of members and their cars back to 2000 and this has never been listed as a members car, I've been involved with Berlinas since 1997 and I've never heard of this GT. The only one I do know of has been off the road since 2000 at least. It doesn't look like the engine has been touched as yet, and if it's stood for a long time the Dunlop brakes will need attention as they don't like not being used. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: 1969 Lancia Fulvia, project needing finished Post by: Parisien on 02 November, 2019, 06:43:42 PM Now accepting offers
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