Title: Fantasy F1 - You can play too ! Post by: sparehead3 on 12 March, 2008, 11:57:17 AM Hi Folks,
Having just finished a fantasy 6 nations - and doing terribly - there is a fantasy F1 being done. If you'd like to join in then I've created a "Lancisti" group which you can join - it's pretty simple to play (eg: just tick boxes for your driver choices before each race) The website is "www.superbru.com" - go for the F1 game. After registering, you'll be placed in a random group - just join the Lancisti pool and then you can remove the other pool (you can be in up to 3 groups - I'm playing in one at work too). Best wishes, Steve PS. I'm not serious about F1 or Fantasy type games - it's just some fun for people try it out :-) Website: http://www.superbru.com/f1 Pool code: hillbowl Pool name: Lancisti Title: Re: Fantasy F1 - You can play too ! Post by: stuwilson128 on 12 March, 2008, 04:06:14 PM I have just joined. I have never tried any of these fantasy games before, but it should be good for a laugh, lets just hope we don't get too competative ;D
Title: Re: Fantasy F1 - You can play too ! Post by: sparehead3 on 12 March, 2008, 04:25:53 PM Excellent! & I've accepted you as I'm "Team Manager" :-)
It should only take seconds to make your picks (and you if you don't bother to pick a race it doesn't matter - you just won't score for that round). You also can't see what other people have done until you've made your choices! (That's assuming it works like the rugby one). Title: Re: Fantasy F1 - You can play too ! Post by: inthedark on 12 March, 2008, 05:12:25 PM Waste of time, What's the point of "Fantasy Alcohol" ..............
Title: Re: Fantasy F1 - You can play too ! Post by: sparehead3 on 13 March, 2008, 12:38:25 PM Geoff, that took me a while to work out :)
.... but then I only have to sniff the stuff normally, so I'm no expert ! Title: Re: Fantasy F1 - You can play too ! Post by: inthedark on 13 March, 2008, 04:36:49 PM Sory, it takes time to descend to my level
Title: Re: Fantasy F1 - You can play too ! Post by: RhysHF on 13 March, 2008, 09:18:27 PM I am in.
Great idea Steve, I have not done Fantasy F1 for years and its a really interesting format. Rhys |