Title: West Berkshire Bi-monthly Meeting Post by: Chris Hopkins on 16 March, 2020, 03:34:22 PM Sorry Folks, this meeting can been cancelled for Thursday 19th March, fingers crossed for May.
Title: Re: West Berkshire Bi-monthly Meeting Post by: Chris Hopkins on 18 March, 2020, 09:44:06 AM Ideas during these difficult times. Jan and I went for a drive and walk on Monday being such a lovely day and we along with a lot of others parked at the Uffington White Horse NT car park. Everyone stayed away from each other and when we were walking, folk still said hi as we past them about 2m apart. So, when it gets a bit drier local groups could organise a "not-get-together", still exercising our cars, meeting in a suitable location and having conversations, keeping the cars between us. I know this does not help our pubs but our local has come up with offering take-away meals served out in the car park so these could be collected on the way, making use of a cool box to keep them warm. What about going to buy fuel I here you say, well there are some with pay at the pump options and if you were gloves I can't see that being a show stopper, just a thought to keep us rolling.
Title: Re: West Berkshire Bi-monthly Meeting Post by: Crookster on 09 August, 2020, 11:42:16 AM hi Chris, how about a lunchtime meet during August, and take advantage of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme? In other words, a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
My Fulvia is currently in W London but I'll be relocating it to Newbury, probably next week. Title: Re: West Berkshire Bi-monthly Meeting Post by: Crookster on 09 August, 2020, 11:47:02 AM Sorry, I just noticed on the club website that the next meeting is in September, so please ignore this
Title: Re: West Berkshire Bi-monthly Meeting Post by: Chris Hopkins on 27 August, 2020, 03:36:31 PM To Peter and anyone else I have not already contacted directly. The West Berkshire Meeting is re-starting at 7pm on the 17th September at the Pheasant Inn, Ermin St. RG17 7AA, but please let me know by the 10th if you are intending to come as we will be inside and space is limited due to the latest control measures so I will have to let them know numbers. They are offering food as well as drink and they have published the following on thier Web site - https://www.thepheasant-inn.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Pheasant-COVID-19-Statement.pdf