Title: Coil springs Post by: GREENYORKIE on 27 March, 2020, 09:49:56 PM While checking over a 2012 1.4 Delta for its' MOT we discovered both front coil springs had fractured at the first coil at the bottom end.The EPER part no. is 50709043 and much to my surprise they appear to be virtually unobtainable from the usual online sources.The Chrysler Delta forum says they are obtainable from Fiat, but at a price!Another of the posts talks about the springs from one of the Bravo range being suitable but doesn't say which one.Has anyone here had to source front springs and if successful from where.It seems ridiculous to me that considering the age and number of these cars made the springs are so hard to come by.
David. Title: Re: Coil springs Post by: lancialulu on 27 March, 2020, 09:59:24 PM Give
https://dfaulknersprings.com/ a try. If they are open... Title: Re: Coil springs Post by: GREENYORKIE on 27 March, 2020, 10:08:44 PM Will do,thanks Tim.
Title: Re: Coil springs Post by: Chris Hopkins on 28 March, 2020, 06:50:41 PM I just had to replace my near side rear one, which had broken at 94,500 miles. It was an OE part at £62.46.
Title: Re: Coil springs Post by: Paul Greenway on 31 March, 2020, 01:32:55 PM I too had one replaced at the last MOT at 99,000 miles.
Title: Re: Coil springs Post by: Paul Greenway on 07 December, 2020, 10:09:06 PM I too had one replaced at the last MOT at 99,000 miles. And another one replaced for this MOT at 104,000 miles. |