Title: GpA Integrale - standard door cars, non standard shovel Post by: DavidLaver on 07 April, 2020, 03:28:24 PM I recognised this from the door card in the teaser photos. They're quite good with "picture quiz" photos in their daily emails as a change from a colour theme. The standard door card stood out all the more looking at all the photos, but it was the shovel that made it for me... The bag tank not being in a box looks odd, as does the cable on what I assume is the reverse lock out mechanism. https://www.classicdriver.com/en/car/lancia/delta/1989/685280?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Classic%20Driver%20Daily%200982020&utm_content=Classic%20Driver%20Daily%200982020+CID_0671e0140b0ecdcee8d7cbf01a4377e2&utm_source=newsletter Title: Re: GpA Integrale - standard door cars, non standard shovel Post by: DavidLaver on 07 April, 2020, 03:31:33 PM To the left of the shovel head, some "cap" thing on a spring. What's that? Title: Re: GpA Integrale - standard door cars, non standard shovel Post by: Jaydub on 07 April, 2020, 07:12:57 PM David, there is one each side, the other is just visible behind the filler neck. I don`t know their use either, a rally mod presumably? Something to do with the rear suspension.