Title: Fulvia Berlina LHD dashboard radio insert Post by: TSB GTE on 08 April, 2020, 03:11:50 PM Hi,
I’m looking to remove the audio unit on one of my Series 1 Fulvia Berlina GTEs. As you would expect the radio was fitted by modifying the removable insert section in the dashboard. The current situation looks like this. (Not actually my car but same situation) The section I need to replace this with looks like this, and I need the Fulvia badge that fits onto it. I have seen that those badges are available for sale with parts dealers but that’s not much use to me as I need both the dashboard section and the badge. If it helps I would be happy to swap the modified section for a clean one. I would be glad to hear from anyone that has one for sale. Tom Sephton-Brown 07902 020824 or reply or PM me. Thanks and Stay Safe. Title: Re: Fulvia Berlina LHD dashboard radio insert Post by: TSB GTE on 08 April, 2020, 06:48:01 PM I found that I did have a photo of the radio on my own car so here it is. I’ve no idea if it works but I guess it looks kind of period. There isn’t a cassette player so just a radio which has got to make it at least 1970s.
Cheers Stay Safe Tom Title: Re: Fulvia Berlina LHD dashboard radio insert Post by: TSB GTE on 21 April, 2020, 06:08:40 AM One of our fine members was able to provide a radio blanking plate with badge. Thanks so much to Justin.
Tom |