Title: Series 2 Hand throttle. Post by: Cassino on 05 May, 2020, 12:14:27 PM Just out of interest, was the Series 2 ever fitted with a hand throttle?.......I have a twin bracket under the dash, one for the choke leaver, maybe the other was for the throttle from series 1....
Ian Title: Re: Series 2 Hand throttle. Post by: mikeC on 05 May, 2020, 12:40:30 PM The Series 2 was fitted with a Solex 32pbic carburettor, which should have a link arm between the choke and throttle, so that the throttle is partially opened when the choke is operated, thus making the separated hand throttle redundant. The carb fitted to the Series 1 has no such link, so the hand throttle was necessary to ease cold starting. I don't know, but I imaging the hand throttle was not fitted to Series 2 cars, but maybe, as you've found, the bracket was still there.