Title: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dikappa on 05 May, 2020, 07:26:31 PM Long shot but I'm looking for the housing like on this generator. No internals needed as my generater has modern electronics, but in a wrong scintilla housing....
If you have a complete unit or even complete generator, i'll consider anything... Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dilambdaman on 27 May, 2020, 02:03:32 PM Hi Koen,
I think I have what you need. It's on a spare generator I have for my Dilambda, I just had to find where I'd stored it! The generator it's on is 120mm diameter and the box is 90mm x 75mm x 65mm. Terminals are numbered 51 & 61 You say that you don't need the inside mechanism so could I please keep that. I don't use it on mine having converted to a more modern set up but you never know! I'd also obviously like to keep the generator. I deliberated on whether I should let the box go but the chances of me ever needing it are slim so I'm happy for you to have it. Is it for the Casaro MM you are building? Kind regards, Robin. Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dikappa on 27 May, 2020, 05:10:10 PM Robin,
Yes it's for the casaro, I have a 9th series dynamo/iginition, but the regulator is a scintilla box, with modern internals. But in all honesty, this is just a detail, and even it would be nice to have the correct box for the regulator, I think you should leave your dynamo in one piece. I don't like you to break up a nice original dynamo in pieces.... Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dilambdaman on 28 May, 2020, 01:00:28 PM Koen,
Thank you for being so considerate. As I said, I did think long and hard before offering it to you but in the end felt that it was better for it to be on a running car than sitting on my shelf. It would also give me great pleasure to have provided a small contribution to your wonderful recreation. So, the offer is still there if you don't find another and the Sintilla box irritates you. Love the restoration blog and very impressed with the high quality of the workmanship. Very much looking forward to seeing the finished restoration. Robin. Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dikappa on 29 May, 2020, 04:40:40 PM Ok Robin, thanks very much. I will keep your kind offer in mind, and if nothing else turns up in the year I'll undoubtedly need to come near a finished car, I'll take you up on in.
But I'd much rather canibalize some mercedes generator than a true Dilambda one..... Cheers, Koen Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: JohnMillham on 29 May, 2020, 06:39:53 PM The Lambda dynamo has a distributor attached to it. What are you doing about a distributor?
Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dikappa on 29 May, 2020, 09:30:55 PM John,
I have for my car a completely rebuilt 9th series bosh dynamo/distributor, only it has a Scintilla regulator attached to it, with a modern regulator inside, but, according to Bill Jamiesons book, the original regulator housing looks like the one in the picture I posted. The 9th series used coil ignition. I'll make a pic tomorrow. Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dikappa on 30 May, 2020, 10:20:44 AM here's some pictures of the ninth generator/ignition
Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: JohnMillham on 30 May, 2020, 08:04:55 PM That's good. Is the rotor arm bent?
Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dikappa on 31 May, 2020, 08:03:17 PM Just went to check, its just the picture...
Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dilambdaman on 31 May, 2020, 11:08:19 PM Koen,
Having now seen a picture of the Sintilla generator control box I hope that you are successful in finding one or come back to me for mine! Robin. Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: JohnMillham on 01 June, 2020, 06:39:51 PM Here is what I think you need. Send me your address and it's yours. Regards, John
Title: Re: prewar bosch generator 'controler' housing Post by: Dikappa on 11 June, 2020, 04:08:44 PM The correct box arrived! With thanks to John! It needs a little tlc, pictures when fitted to follow!
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