Title: Flavia 2000 paint code Post by: alan284flavia on 20 June, 2020, 04:12:26 PM My Flavia Coupe is 1970, colour gold metallic, known as Oro. I have some stone chips to touch in and a small amount of paint from minor bodywork some years ago was solid. The bodyshop had a code but got flooded a couple of years ago and lost all records. With covid, I cannot get any matching done so I wonder if anyone could tell me the code or where I could source a little touch up. I think original paint was by Glasurit, Am doing all these little jobs in the absence of events this year
Title: Re: Flavia 2000 paint code Post by: lancialulu on 20 June, 2020, 05:53:45 PM Parts Manual has this as 847-99019 DP (Du Pont). I tried to get this cross referenced as it apparently is the code for Gold Fulvia wheels as well.