Lancia Motor Club

General => Local Events => Topic started by: 038tipo on 22 June, 2020, 03:42:50 PM

Title: Essex meet July 15th 2020 socially distanced picnic
Post by: 038tipo on 22 June, 2020, 03:42:50 PM
Hi All.
Due to current guidelines, we are not able to meet as usual, so a great idea has been put forward by Justin and Sara McArdle, to have a socially distanced, bring your own picnic on Matching Green, Essex, opposite the pub we usually meet in.
By that time, they may be serving take away drinks!
Commencing at 4pm, weather dependent of course.
Bring your own picnic etc.
Maybe see you there.

Title: Re: Essex meet July 15th 2020 socially distanced picnic
Post by: AusFulvia on 12 July, 2020, 10:18:28 PM
What is the latest people will be there. I have to work and could  not leave Cambridge till 5.30pm but if you are starting at 4 will you all be gone?  No point going if you will all be heading off before I get there.

Title: Re: Essex meet July 15th 2020 socially distanced picnic
Post by: Justin McArdle on 13 July, 2020, 11:35:19 AM
Who is planning on going on Wednesday for the picnic? Sara and I will not be staying too late as we have an engagement later that evening.

Title: Re: Essex meet July 15th 2020 socially distanced picnic
Post by: lancialulu on 13 July, 2020, 02:12:54 PM
We will be going too but suspect wont stay beyond 7pm depending how many cars/folk turn up.

Title: Re: Essex meet July 15th 2020 socially distanced picnic
Post by: 038tipo on 13 July, 2020, 03:27:44 PM
I think a few may stay until at least 7, as ghe pub is now open again, so we can get drinks.

Title: Re: Essex meet July 15th 2020 socially distanced picnic
Post by: GeoffJohnson on 14 July, 2020, 10:28:13 AM
Although we miss you all and think that the picnic is a great idea Eileen and I would not be comfortable coming out of hiding just yet.Hope you all have a good time and maybe see you in August.
Geoff Johnson