Title: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 Post by: msh2908 on 16 July, 2020, 10:37:23 AM On investigating a knocking noise from the gearbox, I've discovered that whoever put the engine/gearbox back in (I have images of the car without its engine etc.) failed to put back the square bush that sits between the bottom of the gearbox and the cradle, and that the source of the noise is the gearbox knocking off the cradle!
So the challenge I have is finding a new/used bush to resolve the issue. Is there any hope of finding one of these? Yours in hope. Mark Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 Post by: Derek Creasy on 02 August, 2020, 08:47:38 PM I have a second hand one Mark