Title: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: garwyn on 22 July, 2020, 08:55:04 PM Hi,
Very stupidly, I left the fuel filler cap for my S1 Fulvia Coupe at a petrol station and by the time I noticed, and went back, it was long gone. Would anybody happen to have one they could sell me please ? The one I'm after has what I think is referred to as an outside thread, like the one below to mate with a pipe also seen below. I think it has 'SUPER CARBURANTE LITRI 38' written on a blue plaque on the front. Many thanks in advance. Gareth. Title: Re: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: jus on 06 August, 2020, 11:33:45 AM Hi Gareth. There's one on EB which I'm sure you must have seen, but here's the link anyway. I'm not sure it has the right 'thread' though.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lancia-Fulvia-Coupe-S2-S3-Fuel-Petrol-Cap/383661687207?hash=item595404c1a7:g:7ZoAAOSwN-NfJwVo Title: Re: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: jus on 06 August, 2020, 11:40:41 AM Actually, maybe this is the one you need:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NOS-GENUINE-LANCIA-PETROL-FUEL-CAP-FULVIA-FLAVIA-S1-S2-SUPERCARBURANTE-LITRI-48/254450313108?hash=item3b3e6ba794:g:mQAAAOSwpj1d8KXB Title: Re: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: lancialulu on 06 August, 2020, 02:33:40 PM Both are wrong.....
The latter is for earlier Flavia, and the first one is for S2 and Flavia 2000 Title: Re: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: lancialulu on 06 August, 2020, 02:38:49 PM Available from Cavallito
https://www.oldlanciaspares.com/2211-lancia-FULVIA-sparepart-fuel-cap-serie-1.php Probably v expensive, but what price unobtanium.... Title: Re: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: my69S1 on 07 August, 2020, 12:25:26 AM I have a '69 S1 and my cap is identical to the first e-bay listing with the hold down tabs on the interior metal ring. Does this mean my fuel tank or filler neck was changed at some point in the past?
Title: Re: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: Richard Fridd on 07 August, 2020, 05:48:40 AM £20 inc uk post? S2 though?
Title: Re: Fulvia Coupe S1 Fuel Filler Cap Post by: garwyn on 08 August, 2020, 08:27:39 AM Thanks everyone for your responses.
In the end I ordered a used one from Rosso Corsa in Genoa and it arrived earlier in the week. It has the outside thread and fits perfectly. Thanks, Gareth. |