Title: Solex Carbs question... Post by: AusFulvia on 23 July, 2020, 08:36:54 PM Hi all
Yesterday was doing the usual checks before taking the Fulvia out and noticed there was a cal missing on one of the Carbies compared to the other. It must be an issue but the car runs well and no issues but looks like it could suck more air. Is this a consumable easy to fit. Does anyone know what the cap does. The missing cap circled in yellow. The one with it on in red. (https://i.imgur.com/fu6vGqD.jpg) Title: Re: Solex Carbs question... Post by: dhla40 on 24 July, 2020, 08:22:03 AM I think it is a vent for the jet chamber, will not effect running but small risk of debris getting in and blocking air corrector.