Title: Fulvia radio blanking plate (must be original) Post by: DELTONA on 03 August, 2020, 09:06:07 PM WANTED Fulvia dash part.
Looking for an ‘original’ blanking plate for radio. I purchased a repro one and when placed next to its original left half the plastics are completely different, ones textured the other smooth. Not too fussed of condition of fulvia chrome script but item needs to be original. Title: Re: Fulvia radio blanking plate (must be original) Post by: roddy on 05 August, 2020, 04:03:34 PM Could you not sand off the textured finish surface with initially a coarse paper then fine paper on a block? Nothing to loose.
Regards - Title: Re: Fulvia radio blanking plate (must be original) Post by: DELTONA on 05 August, 2020, 04:23:56 PM ...now found.