Title: Relining brake shoes Post by: DaveKennedy on 06 August, 2020, 03:45:55 PM Just had four brake shoes relined by Industrial Friction in Cardiff. They look pretty good, though they didn't need the silver paint!
£17.50 per shoe, but with VAT and return postage the total was £99. Is that about right or could I do better somewhere else next time? Dave Title: Re: Relining brake shoes Post by: sd39 on 06 August, 2020, 08:54:39 PM Don't have the bill nearby, but that sounds very similar to what my four cost In retrospect however, following the helpful comments I got in my post (TSU 306 restoration), I would now get them bonded and riveted. They painted mine glossy black! Title: Re: Relining brake shoes Post by: lancianut666 on 18 August, 2020, 06:59:05 PM I notice you asked them to put a chamfer on the leading edges I hope this helps you get the drums back on, mine were a pain and in the end I took the angle grinder to them.
Clarkey Title: Re: Relining brake shoes Post by: DaveKennedy on 18 August, 2020, 10:11:29 PM Yes, the front brakes went together with no problems. One of the rear cylinders was seized and rusty inside so will be replacing that (found one on eBay). The other seems OK after some polishing of the bore. Should have it all back together next week, then I need to check whether the car will stop on a sixpence as promised by the relining company!
Title: Re: Relining brake shoes Post by: Walbarr on 19 August, 2020, 08:38:31 AM On an episode of Wheeler Dealers, drum of a sixties Volvo rally car were uprated by fitting Kevlar linings.
Anyone heard or tried this mod? |