Title: Appia V4 rebuilt engine for sale Post by: roy parmenter on 21 August, 2020, 05:08:51 AM FOR SALE
Lancia Appia V4 rebuilt engine with many period accessories - Carb & manifold / distributor / water pump / fan / dynamo / starter motor / gaskets etc... - never been run - so will need checking over prior to use - many new & NOS parts supplied by the Consortium - excellent value! unable to post pics - email me for same £1,250.00 Title: Re: Appia V4 rebuilt engine for sale Post by: Philip LMC on 14 September, 2020, 11:21:54 PM Hi, I am in need of an Appia engine for my car that I am restoring. I am considering either waking-up and repairing my engine, or replacing it. Are any more details of your engine available? My email address is: philip.j.day@manchester.ac.uk should you kindly be able to send any images. Thanks, Philip