Title: Undertray Post by: donw on 17 November, 2020, 09:40:01 AM I have recently acquired an original undertray in need of some work as there is one large rust hole and some other non original hole.
Does anyone have photos of what it should be like, inside & outside would be most helpful. Don Title: Re: Undertray Post by: JohnMillham on 17 November, 2020, 12:35:35 PM I have recently acquired an original undertray in need of some work as there is one large rust hole and some other non original hole. I imagine Iain Simpson might have some photos of the new ones in Kim’s shed. They are not all the same. My one, on my 8th series car, is from an earlier car and the drain holes are in the wrong place. Does anyone have photos of what it should be like, inside & outside would be most helpful. Don Title: Re: Undertray Post by: Dikappa on 17 November, 2020, 03:54:53 PM Is it any help that I make some pic's of mine, but I think it is not original.....could get it out thursday...
Title: Re: Undertray Post by: donw on 19 November, 2020, 01:18:46 PM Koen thanks any picture would be helpfull
John I think mine is early as there is a track for a external oil pipe. Don Title: Re: Undertray Post by: Dikappa on 19 November, 2020, 06:30:42 PM Just got it out of its resting place, on top of the ardea...
I have no experience with Lambda undertrays, but as mine is made in aluminium I think it is a copy. I've never even tried fitting it, so hopefully at least they did a good job of copying an original one.... It has reinforcement straps rivetted in at the back and at the sides more to the front. If you need further details/measurements let me know, I'll leave it within easy reach for a short while. Title: Re: Undertray Post by: donw on 20 November, 2020, 09:07:28 AM Thanks Koen that's a great help, I don't think I'll be getting round to having mine repaired for a while still getting the engine to run and then replace the stub axles amongst other things like sorting out the front seat.
Don Title: Re: Undertray Post by: Tony Stephens on 01 December, 2020, 03:23:36 PM Don, Here is a copy of the sketch which was used to make the Australian replica 8th Series undertrays
Title: Re: Undertray Post by: donw on 01 December, 2020, 04:24:54 PM Thanks Tony that will be very helpful.
Don Title: Re: Undertray Post by: Tony Stephens on 05 December, 2020, 05:25:58 PM By the way, if anyone is looking for an undertray for an early car (up to 5th), I have a new unused one in aluminium to dispose of.
Shallower than the later ones. |