Title: Fulvia S1 hubcaps Post by: simonpen on 07 December, 2020, 03:44:53 PM Does anyone have a couple of hubcaps suitable for a 69 Coupe? Two of mine have dents and scratches. These are the type with a (blue) flag at the centre. I am also looking for some good headlight retaining rings. Thankyou
Title: Re: Fulvia S1 hubcaps Post by: Dave Gee on 12 December, 2020, 10:54:17 AM Please would you send me a photograph of the style of the hub cap, so I can check among my spares.
Thanks Dave Title: Re: Fulvia S1 hubcaps Post by: simonpen on 01 January, 2021, 04:34:44 PM Still looking for these if anyone has come across some.