Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Appia => Topic started by: sd39 on 27 December, 2020, 06:17:13 PM

Title: DVLA Advice
Post by: sd39 on 27 December, 2020, 06:17:13 PM
Merry Christmas all

I have a question about DVLA registration, if anyone has any advice I would be grateful

I have recently bought a replacement body for my Appia which my brother and I are restoring (see TSU 306 the restoration thread). The body - I am not really thinking it as a car and it certainly won't be getting an MOT anytime soon as it doesn't have an engine or gearbox or many other bits - is in good condition but didn't come with papers (it was bought in holland). Things are about to get complicated as I am moving to Sweden in the Summer and I want to move both the car and the new rolling chassis/body there. Therefore it might be the case that I will need to have the new body registered before I can move it to Sweden. Is this the case? That is the first question I suppose, and that is brexit related, and I realise that none of us know very much about this. If anyone knows somebody that would know this stuff I would be grateful. A call to Ade Rudler perhaps (not sure I could afford their services though)?

The second question, assuming that I do indeed need to register the new car/body before I can take it to Sweden, is can this be done to a rolling chassis/body that will not be MOT'd for a long while. A cursory glance at the v55-5 form and guidance v355-5 seems to suggest that they only register running cars.

Any thoughts on these questions would be very welcome.

Title: Re: DVLA Advice
Post by: peteracs on 27 December, 2020, 06:52:17 PM

Maybe I am being naive, but is this not just a case of having to register the current car in Sweden and the other items are just parts assuming that you do not intend to resurrect the rolling chassis?


Title: Re: DVLA Advice
Post by: frankxhv773t on 27 December, 2020, 07:45:42 PM
I can't see DVLA being in the least bit interested if it's not going on the road. If it doesn't need registration documents to get into Sweden I'd take the view that it is just in transit. The chances are that you wouldn't even get a registration sorted out before you leave. If you want to be certain then I'd e-mail DVLA and explain the situation.

Title: Re: DVLA Advice
Post by: sd39 on 28 December, 2020, 08:14:37 AM

That's very useful indeed, many thanks!

Title: Re: DVLA Advice
Post by: Sliding Pillar on 28 December, 2020, 10:27:57 AM
Simon, if you intend to restore/register the rolling chassis at some point in the future you should get it registered ASAP! It is far easier to get a car registered in the U.K. than almost any other European country if it does not have documents. You should immediately (TODAY!) do a NOVA declaration, this should have been done within two weeks of importing it. You will then be able to go through the registration process. If you don't have documents you will have to get a dating letter from the Club (I think it is £150 regardless of whether you are a club member or not nowadays) and there will also be the DVLA registration fee to pay, and obviously to get it registered it has to be insured.
  I think it would be much easier to get the rolling chassis into Sweden if it has documents. From my experience of driving through Europe, if you have all the paperwork you don't have problems. If you don't intend to restore/register the rolling shell, I would take it apart so that you can just take the parts to Sweden, i.e. it is no longer a car.
  Don't forget, as of Friday we will no longer be in the E.U.

Title: Re: DVLA Advice
Post by: neil-yaj396 on 29 December, 2020, 09:40:44 AM

I'm the DVLA liaison for the club. As others have said they will only register a complete car, but it doesn't have to be assembled, so in reality you only need the body and an engine.

The club do charge £150 to provide a dating certificate and the car will need to be inspected by another member.

Email me on if you need to follow this up.
